Mosaic Supports Next Generation of Resource Stewards

Mosaic Forest Management is in the business of sustainable forestry. This is a long-term investment to grow and care for trees that will become the products we sell to our customers – and these long planning horizons mean a big part of our business is looking ahead at what our business will need to succeed in the future.

Our scholarships and training program is making investments today to build the talented workforce we need for tomorrow. Every year, Mosaic supports aspiring resource workers with high school and post-secondary scholarships and bursaries, as well as on-the-job training programs for work-ready skill development. With a special emphasis on Indigenous learners and trainees, our scholarships and training program provides opportunities for people at various work and education stages as they pursue a career in the forest sector.

One major partnership is our relationship with Indspire. A national Indigenous registered charity, Indspire invests in the education of First Nations, Inuit and Métis people with a vision to enrich Canada through Indigenous education and by inspiring achievement. Mosaic has a five-year partnership with Indspire that has supported students from our operating regions to pursue a career in the resource sector.

It has been extremely challenging financially and my stress levels were as high as I have ever experienced. When I opened my email and saw this extreme act of generosity I was almost brought to tears from the financial relief.

Through a partnership with Project Learning Tree, Mosaic welcomed six students to our team last summer for work experience opportunities. These talented young leaders spent their summer working in different departments across the organization, making a positive contribution to Mosaic’s business and forest resources.

I have had such a fun summer learning about our species-at-risk as a forest biology summer student for Mosaic. Working ‘under the wing’ of knowledgeable and experienced professional biologists has given me some perspective on wildlife management that will be invaluable as I move forward in my career.

As students return to class this Fall – either online or in person – Mosaic would like to wish all students the best of luck for the 2020 / 2021 school year.

To learn more about Mosaic’s scholarships and training programs, visit

Sue Handel