First Nations Partners
PAIR Certification
Partnership Accreditation in Indigenous Relations
We have worked actively over many decades to build collaborative, respectful working relationships with many First Nation groups, and continually work to deepen and strengthen these connections.
Consistent with this commitment, Mosaic’s predecessor, TimberWest, undertook the Canadian Council for Indigenous Business’ Partnership Accreditation in Indigenous Relations (PAIR) certification process. In June 2019, we were pleased to expand PAIR certification to all lands managed by Mosaic. In 2020, Mosaic was the only forestry company in British Columbia to have achieved Silver-level recognition. In 2023, Mosaic was recognized with Gold-level certification, making it the first and only timberland owner in Canada to achieve this standard of excellence.
The PAIR certification crystallizes our commitment to fostering and strengthening relationships with First Nations and Indigenous business partners spanning Coastal BC, including the traditional territories of 48 First Nations communities. The PAIR framework is consistent with our objective to achieve meaningful, enduring collaboration that facilitates Indigenous cultural, environmental and economic participation in Mosaic’s activities.
Partnership Accreditation in Indigenous Relations Quick Facts
PAIR is a management and reporting program that supports progressive improvement in Indigenous relations and a certification program that confirms corporate performance at various levels. If a company is a leader in Indigenous relations, PAIR certification recognizes the commitment and success.
PAIR is internationally unique. It is the only certification program with a focus on Indigenous relations.
PAIR helps organizations answer the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada’s Call to Action #92.
An independent jury of Indigenous business leaders determines PAIR standings, given to companies that have proven the business case for sustainable Indigenous relations.
PAIR companies’ performances are externally verified through Indigenous stakeholder interviews.
Since PAIR companies are required to maintain or improve upon their key performance in leadership actions, employment, business development and community relationships, PAIR certification represents a measure of assurance that certified companies are committed to working with Indigenous peoples, businesses and communities.