First-hand Experiences Shared With The Mosaic Team For the National Day For Truth And Reconciliation

Mosaic held its third annual company-wide National Day for Truth and Reconciliation learning event for employees, contractors, and families on September 7. The guest speaker was Bob Joseph, founder and President of Indigenous Corporate Training. Bob has been instructing individuals and organizations on effective Indigenous relations for almost three decades and provides training to all Mosaic employees.

“It’s critical to align interests if we are to make mutually beneficial decisions,” said Bob Joseph. “Respectful engagement and allyship, is about using our hearts and minds to courageously make decisions, and are key to all of us moving forward together.” 

He said that Mosaic as a company and all its team members can further strengthen relations with Indigenous peoples and communities by leaning into insights from National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s 94 Calls to Action, Canadian history, and related case studies. 

“Cooperation and mutual respect are the foundation of Indigenous relations in all our business activities,” said Rob Gough, President and CEO at Mosaic Forest Management. “Our memorandums of understanding with 16 Coastal First Nations and our recent Progressive Aboriginal Relations Gold certification from the Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business exemplify that. As we heard from Bob, the reconciliation journey we’re on as a company and as individuals will stretch us, but the result will be strong, mutually beneficial relationships.”  

Mosaic looks forward to facilitating future educational events like this to help Mosaic and its team members take meaningful steps towards reconciliation. 


Mosaic learns from Bob Joseph as part of the company’s National Day for Truth and Reconciliation employee event. Photo credit: Salish Eye Productions  

Sue Handel