Protecting Our Forests and Communities from Wildfire


The forests of Vancouver Island are where we live, work and play. Every summer, the risk of wildfire impacts our communities and our operations – and with climate change, that risk is becoming more severe and occurring more often. 

At Mosaic Forest Management, fire prevention and rapid response is a high priority. In addition to formal coordination with the Provincial Wildfire Response program, we have invested in our own wildfire management capability together with our contractors, including: 

  • Daily aerial and ground-based surveillance.

  • Helicopter-based rapid attack.

  • On average, 100 all-terrain fire trucks staged across our lands.

  • Well-stocked depots with pumps and hoses in depots located across our land base.

  • Trained crews in initial attack and forest fire fighting, serving as a critical first line of defense.

  • Twenty-four remote, state-of-the-art weather stations with satellite uplinks for monitoring and forecasting of fire risk.

  • We will take preventative measures when the fire risk is too high, limiting access to forest lands. This helps protect the forests and the safety of our neighbours.

  • During high fire risk, we modify operations to run equipment in the early morning and evening when fire risk is lower – or cease operations altogether when necessary.

 What you can do  

  • Watch for and comply with campfire bans and backcountry restrictions that alert to hazards.

  • Report smoke or other signs of wildfire immediately: Call the BC Wildfire Service at 1-800-663-5555 or *5555 on your cellphone.

  • Educate yourself on being Fire Smart and how to protect your family and your property from wildfire –

  • Spread the word: Let your friends and family know what to do if they see a forest fire – and about forest fire prevention.

 Here are some more fire smart tips 


  • Never have a campfire when it’s windy.

  • Always ensure you extinguish your campfire by pouring plenty of water on the fire and surrounding area.

  • Never leave a campfire unattended.

  • Keep your fire size small.

  • Always follow bans and restrictions when a high fire danger rating is in effect. 

Recreational vehicles 

  • Be aware that hot exhaust pipes on all-terrain vehicles and dirt bikes can easily ignite dry grass areas.


  • Always put out your cigarettes and dispose of them safely.

  • Consider butting out in a water-filled ashtray. 

Hunting / Target Shooting 

  • Bullets can cause ignition in dry conditions.

Learn more about wildfire safety in our Wildfire Factsheet available here.

Sue Handel