National Forest Week Quiz Contest Long Rules 2023

Mosaic’s National Forest Week Quiz Contest (the “Contest”) Long Rules 2023

These National Forest Week Quiz Contest Long Rules (the “Rules”) govern the Contest. By participating or attempting to participate in the Contest, you will be deemed to have received, understood, and agreed to the Rules.

Who sponsors the Contest?

The Contest is sponsored and administered by Mosaic Forest Management Corporation (“Mosaic”).

Although the Contest may be communicated, promoted, or administered by means of a third party social media or social networking service or site, including Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter (each a “Third Party Service”), the Contest is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, any Third Party Service. Questions, comments or complaints regarding the Contest should be directed to Mosaic and not to any Third Party Service.

When can I enter the Contest?

Enter the Contest between 12:01 am PT on September 18, 2023 and 11:59 pm PT on September 24, 2023 (the “Contest Period”).

Who may enter the Contest?

The Contest is open to residents of Canada (excluding residents of Quebec) who have reached the age of majority in their province or territory of residence by the date of entry.

The following persons are not eligible to enter the Contest: (1) employees, officers, directors, representatives and agents of: Mosaic, Mosaic’s affiliates, and any other company or business associated with the Contest; (2) contractors of Mosaic providing campsite management services; and (3) members of the immediate family (spouse, parent, child, sibling) or household (whether or not related) of any person described in (1) or (2) above.

How do I enter the Contest?

No purchase is necessary to enter the Contest. You may enter the Contest by completing the National Forest Week Knowledge Quiz at and submitting it along with your contact information as directed on the webpage (the “Submission Material”). Mosaic will not acknowledge receipt of Contest entries.

How many times may I enter the Contest?

There is a limit of one (1) entry per person.

Can my entry be rejected by Mosaic?

Mosaic may, in its sole discretion, reject or refuse your entry if (1) you attempt to enter the Contest in a fashion not authorized by the Rules; (2) your entry contains fraudulent or misleading information, or is late, falsified, illegible, damaged or incomplete or otherwise irregular; (3) your entry is submitted using robotic, automated, programmed, or other illicit means; (4) your entry contains, depicts, displays, or involves any of the following: (i) any crude, vulgar, profanity, sexually graphic, offensive, “off-colour”, harassing, threatening, derogatory, demeaning, defamatory, racist, abusive, hateful, violent, obscene, or discriminatory images, depictions, symbols or material; (ii) any image, depiction, symbol, or material relating to drugs, cigarettes, or alcohol; (iii) any illegal statements, material, or content; (iv) any material that condones or incites violence, bullying or other unlawful behaviour; (v) any political content or propaganda; and (vi) any other content that is or could be considered inappropriate, unsuitable or offensive, all as determined by Mosaic in its sole discretion; or (5) your entry is not in compliance with the Rules, which includes not completing the National Forest Week Quiz at

What are the conditions of entry?

By entering the Contest:

(a) you agree to be bound by the Rules and by the decisions of Mosaic, which decisions are final, binding and conclusive;

(b) you represent and warrant to Mosaic that:

(i) your entry, including any material comprising your entry (e.g., the Submission Material, your name and/or user name) and any other material submitted with your entry (all such material, collectively, your “Complete Entry”) is complete;

(iii) your Complete Entry does not contain copyright or trademark protected material of any person other than you and Mosaic;

(c) you understand and agree that your Complete Entry will not be returned to you and may be moderated or edited by Mosaic as it deems appropriate prior to publication by Mosaic;

(d) you grant to Mosaic and its licensees the irrevocable right to use your name if you are the winner, including the right to use your statements and images for Mosaic’s promotional purposes (the “Promotional Purposes”);

(e) you waive all claims of moral rights in any use of your Complete Entry by Mosaic pursuant to the rights granted in the Rules;

(f) you agree that Mosaic shall have the right at any time to require you to provide proof of identity or eligibility to enter the Contest and that your failure to provide any such proof upon request may result in disqualification; and

(g) you release and forever discharge Mosaic, its respective parents, affiliates, and subsidiaries, any other companies associated with the Contest, and all of their respective directors, officers, employees, agents, representatives, licensees, successors and assigns, as well as any Third Party Service, (collectively, the “Releasees”), and agree to indemnify and hold harmless each of the Releasees, from and against any claims, damages or liability, including any costs or losses related to personal injury, death, damage to or loss or destruction of property, resulting in whole or in part, directly or indirectly, from (1) your participation in the Contest, (2) the awarding, receipt, possession, use or misuse of the Prize (defined below), in whole or in part, or any travel or activity related to any Prize, (3) the use of any Complete Entry in accordance with the rights granted in the Rules, or (4) any breach by you of the Rules.

What is the Prize?

There is one (1) prize (the “Prize”) to be awarded in the Contest. The Prize is a Family Prize Pack to the BC Forest Discovery Centre which includes one family paass and BC Forest Discovery pins and keychains with an approximate value of $100 CAN.

In addition to any prize conditions provided elsewhere in the Rules, the Prize is subject to the following conditions:

(a) Mosaic makes no warranties, express or implied, as to the condition, fitness or merchantability of the Prize.

(b) The Prize must be accepted as awarded and may not be transferred, changed or substituted for another prize, except as expressly provided for in the Rules.

(c) Mosaic reserves the right to substitute the Prize, in whole or in part, with a prize or prize component of equal or greater value if the prize or prize component cannot be awarded for any reason.

How will the potential winner be selected?

One (1) potential winner will be selected by a random computer-generated draw.

How can a potential winner become a winner?

To be declared a winner, a potential winner:

(a) must be in compliance with the Rules;

(b) must sign and return Mosaic’s form of declaration and release, which (among other things): (i) confirms the potential winner’s eligibility for the Contest and compliance with the Rules; (ii) acknowledges acceptance of the Prize as offered; (iii) confirms the grant of rights to Mosaic to use the Complete Entry for the Promotional Purposes and as otherwise set out in the Rules; and (iv) releases the Releasees (as defined below) from any and all liability for any loss, harm, damages, cost or expense arising out of participation in the Contest, participation in any Contest‑related activity or the acceptance, use or misuse of the Prize, and any other documentation as reasonably required; and

(c) must provide any requested proof of identification to confirm eligibility or to claim a Prize.

If a potential winner does not meet the above conditions, the Prize will be forfeited and Mosaic may, in its sole discretion, draw another eligible entry.

What are the odds of winning a Prize?

The odds of winning a Prize depend on the number of eligible entries received during the Contest Period.

How do I find out who won the Prize?

The potential winner will be contacted using the provided contact information. When the potential winner is confirmed as the winner, Mosaic will post the winner’s name on its website. If Mosaic is unable to contact a potential winner within 72 hours after the first attempt at contact, Mosaic may disqualify that potential winner and pick a new eligible entrant in accordance with the selection process.

How do I claim my Prize if I am a winner?

Once a potential winner is confirmed as a winner, prize distribution will be coordinated between the winner and Mosaic. If a winner fails to take delivery of the Prize, the Prize may be deemed forfeited and Mosaic reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to select another eligible entry as a potential winner.

How will my personal information be collected, used and disclosed?

By entering the Contest, you consent to Mosaic’s collection, use and disclosure of your personal information for the administration of the Contest and for the Promotional Purposes. Personal information will be held by Mosaic and be accessible to employees, contractors, licensees or representatives of Mosaic directly involved in the Contest for internal analysis and for the Promotional Purposes. You agree that if you are selected as a winner, Mosaic may use your personal information (including name, address, telephone numbers and/or email addresses) to administer the Contest and deliver the Prize.

Forms submitted online become the property of Mosaic. If you have any questions regarding the collection, use, and storage of your personal information, please contact

Your personal information may be disclosed to a third party in the following circumstances:

(a) in accordance with the Rules, for delivery and management of the Contest, or as otherwise permitted or required by law.

(b) if you have been asked to sign and return a Release or other documentation in accordance with the terms of the Rules, Mosaic may disclose your personal information to an interested party, such as a Releasee.

If Mosaic discloses your personal information to a party other than Mosaic, your personal information will be subject to that party’s privacy policy and practices.

How do the Releasees limit their liability?

The Releasees assume no liability for the following:

(a) any personal injury, death, damage to or loss or destruction of property as a result of entering the Contest or winning the Prize for the purposes of the Contest;

(b) stolen, late, incomplete, illegible, inaccurate, misdirected, lost, misrouted, scrambled, damaged, delayed, undelivered, mutilated, jumbled, or garbled entries, transmissions, email, mail, or other communications;

(c) any error, omission, interruption, defect or delay in transmission, processing, or communication;

(d) failures or malfunctions of, or difficulties with, computer hardware or software, telephones, telephone lines, telephone systems, or network, cable, satellite, server, or website connections;

(e) printing, typographical, or other errors appearing within the Rules, in any Contest-related advertisements, or in Contest-related materials;

(f) incorrect or inaccurate information, including where caused by website users, tampering, hacking, or by any equipment or programming associated or used in connection with the Contest;

(g) injury or damage to any computer or other device resulting from or otherwise related to participation in the Contest, the use of any website, or the downloading or accessing of any materials;

(h) anyone being incorrectly or mistakenly identified as a winner or potential winner; or

(i) any other errors, problems or difficulties of any kind, whether human, mechanical, electronic, or otherwise, relating in any way to the Contest, including those errors, problems or difficulties that may relate to the administration of the Contest, the processing of entries, the advertising of the Contest, the announcement of any Prize or winner, or the cancellation or postponement of any event.

What laws apply to the Contest?

The laws of the province of British Columbia and the applicable federal laws of Canada  apply to the Contest.

Can Mosaic cancel or amend the Contest, or change the Prize?

Mosaic may cancel, modify, or suspend the Contest or amend the Rules for any reason whatsoever, at Mosaic’s sole discretion, without advance notice. You may not amend the Rules in any way. Mosaic may exchange the Prize for one of similar value at its sole discretion.

Can Mosaic disqualify or ban someone from a Contest?

Mosaic may disqualify without notice or ban someone from the Contest or any future contest for any reason, including if Mosaic finds that a person has (i) tampered with or attempted to tamper with, or undermined or attempted to undermine, the legitimate operation of the Contest, (ii) provided Mosaic with fraudulent or misleading information, (iii) acted in an disrespectful or disruptive manner, or with the intent to annoy, abuse, threaten or harass any person, or (iv) otherwise violated the Rules.

Who makes decisions about the administration of the Contest?

Mosaic reserves the right to make all decisions relating to the administration of the Contest, including the right to terminate the Contest or disqualify any entry for any reason. All such decisions of Mosaic are final and not subject to appeal.

What happens if the Rules contradict other Contest materials or are found to be unenforceable?

In the event of any discrepancy or inconsistency between the Rules and disclosures or statements made by Mosaic or appearing in other Contest-related materials, the Rules shall govern. If any part of the Rules is legally unenforceable or inapplicable, then that part will be deemed invalid; however, the remainder of the Rules will otherwise continue to be legally binding.