Celebrating 500 Days Incident Free at Northwest Bay

Our team at Northwest Bay has marked a significant safety milestone – 500 days without a recordable incident. This is a significant achievement – and one that reflects the constant attention and commitment to safety by our crew at Northwest Bay.

“500 recordable incident free days is a great achievement that all the NWB crew can be proud of. It takes dedication, communication and teamwork for this to happen” said NWB Safety committee Co-chairs Chris Masson & Sam Stanko. “We would also like to acknowledge the work that the safety committee members do working with the crews.

This 500-day achievement sets a new safety performance record for the team at Northwest Bay, and demonstrates that Mosaic is a leader in forest sector safety performance on the BC Coast. In 2019, across all our operations, Mosaic achieved the best-ever performance in medical incident rate in both Island Timberlands and TimberWest’s histories.

“The NWB crew is truly committed to the performance of Northwest Bay Operation and this achievement is just another example” said Mosaic Vice President, Digger Pond. “It is a remarkable accomplishment particularly this year with all the distractions of Covid-19 and volatile market conditions and yet the crew remained focused on safety throughout”.

Our business is challenging, and involves the thoughtful, proactive management of workplace hazards. Our safety performance, including this achievement at Northwest Bay, speaks to the professionalism and dedication of our employees and contractors.

Congratulations to the team at Northwest Bay on this significant safety milestone, and leading by example to make sure everyone gets home safe, every day.

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