Mosaic Forest Management Thanks Frontline Workers with Firewood

Mosaic Forest Management’s Northwest Bay Crew worked together to cut and split more than 60 cords[1] of firewood and make it available for free to frontline healthcare workers to show appreciation for their work through the COVID-19 crisis.

Every year, as part of Mosaic Forest Management’s comprehensive safety program, crews undertake danger tree removal along Mosaic’s road network. This year, the Mosaic crew turned this safety initiative into an opportunity to give back to frontline health care workers in the community, by converting the salvage wood into firewood. In addition, The Tool Shed, provided the wood splitter for the crew to cut the wood.

Mosaic employee Mark Slocum is Camp Chairman for United Steelworkers Local 1-1937 for Northwest Bay and was one of the employees who led the firewood donation program. He said, “It’s an honour to help out those frontline healthcare workers, many of whom work in long-term care homes and hospitals, who are putting themselves on the line for us right now.”

The Hospital Employees Union helped Mosaic get the word out to local healthcare workers about the donation program.  Online registration for the firewood was fully subscribed within 24 hours. While some of the wood was picked up onsite at Mosaic’s facility, the rest was delivered by the Company’s Northwest Bay Crew directly to the homes of healthcare workers who were unable to pick it up in person.  Mosaic staff ensured social distancing recommendations of the public health authorities were followed at all times.

“We want to thank Mosaic for their generous donation to HEU members. Health care workers appreciate all of the recognition and support during this pandemic.” Barb Nederpel, President, Hospital Employees' Union.

This firewood donation is a separate initiative to Mosaic’s annual firewood permit program, where members of the public are able to purchase a permit to cut firewood on Mosaic lands. In 2020, proceeds from that program were donated to KidSport BC, generating a $20,000 donation through a funding match from Mosaic. The firewood permit program is now concluded for the summer months, but expected to resume in Fall.

Mosaic is grateful to all frontline employees who continue to work to keep our communities safe and healthy, and thanks all those who participated in this firewood donation program.


About Mosaic Forest Management Corp.
Mosaic Forest Management is the timberlands manager for TimberWest and Island Timberlands – two affiliated companies that have operated on Vancouver Island for over a century, delivering sustainable forest management within their private forest lands and Crown tenure areas. Mosaic employs several thousand people directly and indirectly striving to achieve the best economic, social and sustainability outcomes from the working forest. For more information, visit 

Media Inquiries
Evelina Lamu
Manager, Communications

[1] A cord of firewood is 128 cubic feet or 3.6 cubic meters

Sue Handel