Wildfire Season Not Over But Mosaic Thankful For Public Support

While weather conditions remain dry on Vancouver Island and the 2021 wildfire season is not yet over, Mosaic Forest Management is thanking the public for its help with wildfire prevention and reporting so far this summer.

Prompt public reporting helps officials respond quickly to wildfires and has been a key part of rapid response to wildfires throughout BC this season. Early reporting by the public, along with Mosaic’s access to extensive firefighting resources, including air tankers, helicopters, water tenders, excavators and fire crews, helps ensure Mosaic can respond quickly, efficiently and safely to wildfires on its private forest lands.

Mosaic thanks the public for the important role it has played this summer in reporting wildfires, observing burning restrictions, and respecting access closures on Mosaic forest lands.

The 2021 wildfire season in BC has been extraordinary, with 1,560 wildfires having burned 8,600 square kilometres of land so far, the third most on record. Seasonal weather conditions are now returning to Vancouver Island. However, dry conditions persist. In fact, most of eastern Vancouver Island is now at Drought Level 5. BC ranks drought levels from zero to five, with Drought Level 5 rated as the most severe. For more information about provincial drought levels, visit the Government of British Columbia’s Drought Information Portal.

Because dry conditions continue to create a risk of wildfire on Vancouver Island, Mosaic access restrictions remain in effect on its private forest lands. For current information about access to Mosaic forest lands, visit www.mosaicforests.com/access.

If you see a wildfire, please report it to 1-800-663-5555 or *5555 on your cell phone. Public reporting is a key part of a quick wildfire response.


Sue Handel