National Forest Week Reminder That Forests are Continually Giving

As we celebrate National Forest Week (September 19-25, 2021) and the theme "Our forests - continually giving", Mosaic is reminded of the many products, social, cultural and health benefits, as well as ecological functions, that forests offer. Mosaic’s ongoing focus on sustainable forest management means a holistic forest planning model that is key to healthy forests that ‘continually give’.

This summer, BC wildfires proved an important focus of Mosaic’s approach to sustainable forest management. With the risk of wildfire at High to Extreme on Vancouver Island for many weeks, Mosaic staff and contractors were dedicated to wildfire education, prevention, and response throughout this summer season. Restrictions to public access were in effect on Mosaic forest lands to protect public safety, and ongoing patrols by air and ground helped ensure a quick response to wildfires.

The winner of Mosaic’s annual Wildfire Quiz, Dean Chueden, this year noted just how close to home this summer’s wildfires were. “I was able to see two of Vancouver Island’s wildfires from my house. [Through the Mosaic Wildfire Quiz], I learned that early reporting and respecting access closures can help limit the spread and associated dangers of wildfire.”

Take some time this week to think about what the forest gives you. And test your forest knowledge by completing our National Forest Week Quiz. Visit for a chance to win passes to the BC Forest Discover Centre in Duncan, BC.


Sue Handel