Nanaimo, BC — Mosaic Forest Management has donated 1000 Douglas-fir seedlings to the Mount Arrowsmith Biosphere Region's Youth Program, a program designed to teach students the importance of environmental, social, cultural, and economic sustainability on a local scale.
Today is Earth Day – a day to educate and mobilize positive action for the planet. The first Earth Day was marked in 1970, and since then, the movement has grown into a worldwide day of reflection and action for the global environment.
Nanaimo, BC — Mosaic Forest Management is announcing support for 21 food banks across Coastal British Columbia, providing donations totalling $15,000 directly to food banks from Haida Gwaii, the Sunshine Coast and across Vancouver Island.
We are currently working with the Government of British Columbia on a fish stocking agreement for lakes on private lands managed by Mosaic Forest Management.
Mosaic Forest Management has announced work from home measures consistent with the recommendations issued by the Federal and Provincial Governments in response to the COVID19 virus.
The Forest Practices Board released today their conclusions following a detailed investigation of Mosaic harvest planning and engagement practices on TimberWest’s Tree Farm Licence 47.
Every year, Mosaic Forest Management plants more than 10 million trees on BC’s Coast. There are many threats to the survival of seedlings in their first years of life – from competition for other vegetation to sub-optimal weather conditions.